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the Rain Jr

   Eden House                  

Eden House is the fulfilment of our vision; to provide a shared space where local people can come and enjoy being community together. It is to be a space where people can eat, learn and play together; building relationships through shared events.

We recognise the need to build emotional and social synergy and so the goal of Eden house is to provide the community with a social, therapeutic and affirming setting where people can find value within a Christian framework, meeting each other in a neutral, non-denominational setting.

Eden House is part of the Countess Anne School, and aims to uphold the school’s foundational text of ‘grasping how wide and long, how high and deep is the love of Christ’.

Start-up finance has allowed Eden House to successfully open initial services such as breakfast and after school clubs for working families, old aged people’s tea parties, adult learning programmes for those wanting recognised qualifications and specific parenting support programmes for those families dealing with a whole range of challenges.

Having got the project off the ground through funding from the local PPC, the Diocese of St Albans and Hatfield Arise, further capital investment is needed to develop Eden House into a unique, upscale and innovative environment. Our present target is to provide appropriate lighting and sound systems that are required for special needs, dance and youth groups, all of whom have shown an interest in using the upstairs room.

Please do consider supporting this project – even after having only finished one room we have made a positive impact on people’s lives – just imagine what we could do completing the whole building! https://www.justgiving.com/countessanneprimary