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Gifts and Hospitality Policy

 ’I pray that you……may have the power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ’ Ephesians 3:18



Living God’s Love through:

  • Academic provision that recognises the need for excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Holistic provision that encourages Christian hope; building spirit and soul through faith orientated pastoral care.
  • Inspirational provision through a modern curriculum that celebrates diversity and provides

new opportunities.


Countess Anne School

(A Church of England Academy)


Gifts and Hospitality Policy



Approved by:

Finance and Resources Committee

Date:  16/01/23

Last reviewed on:


Next review due by:




  1. Aims. 2
  2. Legislation and guidance. 2
  3. Definitions. 2
  4. Roles and responsibilities. 2
  5. Acceptable gifts and hospitality. 4
  6. Unacceptable gifts and hospitality. 4
  7. Declining gifts and hospitality. 4
  8. Monitoring arrangements. 5
  9. Links with other policies. 5

Appendix 1: gifts and hospitality register 6




1. Aims

This policy aims to ensure that:

  • The academy trust’s funds are used only in accordance with the law, its articles of association, its funding agreement and the latest Academy Trust Handbook
  • The trust and those associated with it operate in a way that commands broad public support
  • The trust has due regard to propriety and regularity, and ensures value for money, in the use of public funds
  • Trustees fulfil their fiduciary duties and wider responsibilities as charitable trustees and company directors
  • Members, trustees and staff are aware of what constitutes acceptable gifts and hospitality, and the process that must be followed if they are presented with any of the same

2. Legislation and guidance

This policy is based on the Academy Trust Handbook, which states that academy trusts should have a policy and register on the acceptance of gifts, hospitality, awards, prizes or any other benefit which might compromise their personal judgement or integrity. This should include members, trustees, staff and/or any other representative of the trust. The handbook states that the trust should ensure that all staff are aware of this policy.

This policy also complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.

3. Definitions

Gifts are any items, cash, awards, prizes, goods or services, offered without expectation of payment or benefit. Gifts also include goods or services offered at a discounted rate, or on terms not available to the general public.

Hospitality is defined as food, drink, accommodation or entertainment (such as cultural or sporting events) provided free of charge, heavily discounted or on terms not generally available to the general public.

4. Roles and responsibilities

4.1 Members, trustees and staff

Members, trustees and staff:

  • Must not give or accept gifts or hospitality to or from a third party where it might be perceived that their personal integrity has the potential to be compromised, or that the trust might be placed under any obligation as a result of acceptance
  • Must not use their official position to further their private interests or the interests of others
  • Must not solicit gifts or hospitality
  • Must record any gifts or hospitality offered to them or the trust with a value of over £25 on the gifts and hospitality register (see appendix 1) within 7 working days, even if declined
  • Must declare to the business manager or headteacher before accepting or offering any gifts or hospitality with a value of over £25. A gift that has been collected by a number of parents, e.g a voucher, which has the value of over £25 must also be declared.

4.2 Academy trustees

Academy trustees will ensure that the trust’s funds are used in a way that commands broad public support, pays due regard to propriety and regularity, and provides value for money.

4.3 The headteacher

The headteacher is responsible for ensuring that staff are aware of and understand this policy, and that it is being implemented consistently.

The headteacher will act with the utmost integrity on all matters relating to gifts and hospitality, ensuring that they set a good example to the rest of the school and trust and to those outside the organisation.

They will also ensure, alongside the business manager that decisions on whether individuals or the trust can accept or offer gifts or hospitality with a value of over £25 are in line with this policy.

The headteacher is responsible for communicating the school/trust’s rules and expectations about gift-giving to parents.

4.4 The chief financial officer

The chief financial officer (CFO) will ensure that:

  • The trust maintains a gifts and hospitality register
  • Figures for transactions relating to gifts made by the trust are disclosed in the trust’s audited accounts, in accordance with the Academy Trust Handbook
  • The academy trustees and headteacher are provided with information on gifts and hospitality received and given, as appropriate

They will also ensure, alongside the headteacher, that decisions on whether individuals or the trust can accept or offer gifts or hospitality with a value of over £25 are in line with this policy.

4.5 The Business Manager

The business manager is responsible for maintaining the gifts and hospitality register on a day-to-day basis.

4.5 Parents

You may also wish to set out information in this policy for parents – for example, to explain restrictions on giving gifts to teachers in line with your trust’s approach. If so, you might:

  • Explain that you do not wish to discourage all gift-giving, and that small tokens of gratitude are always appreciated
  • Explain that gift-giving is not a requirement, and parents are not expected to buy gifts for class teachers or other school staff
  • Provide guidance on the appropriate maximum value of gifts and when they may be offered, or explain that the trust prevents teachers and other staff from accepting gifts worth over a certain amount


5. Acceptable gifts and hospitality

5.1 Offer of gifts and hospitality received

Members, trustees and staff can accept gifts and hospitality that have a value of up to £25. These do not have to be pre-approved or recorded on the gifts and hospitality register.

Generally, gifts of nominal value, such as small tokens of appreciation, may be accepted. If in any doubt, members, trustees and staff must consult the business manager or headteacher.

Similarly, hospitality such as working lunches may be accepted in order to maintain good relationships with key contacts, provided the hospitality is reasonable in the circumstances. If in doubt, guidance must be sought from the business manager or headteacher.

Any gifts or hospitality offered with a value of over £25 must be recorded on the gifts and hospitality register within 7 working days, even if declined. Any member, trustee or member of staff who is offered such gifts or hospitality must consult the business manager or headteacher before accepting.

If the headteacher is the recipient, or intended recipient, of any offer of gifts or hospitality, they must inform the chair of the board of trustees and record the offer on the gifts and hospitality register.

Failure to declare any offer of gifts or hospitality on the register in line with this policy will be treated as a staff disciplinary matter.

5.2 Offer of gifts and hospitality given

Examples of what the trust deems acceptable gifts and hospitality:

  • The school budget may be used to provide refreshments or lunch for visitors to the school
  • To uphold the school ethos by ensuring that all staff are recognised through the receiving gifts, the governors of the school give an annual voucher to each member of staff up to the value of £40.
  • Staff can claim travel expenses when travelling beyond the work mileage to courses or meetings. Staff attending overnight residentials can expect to receive additional remuneration in line with the school’s pay policy. In addition, on presentation of a receipt, staff can claim expenses incurred due to buying curriculum materials. The later though is to be discouraged and where possible we would ask that staff purchase resources through the school office.
  • Staff wishing to claim expenses should approach the business manager who will process their claim.

Any gifts or hospitality provided by the trust, such as a working lunch for visitors, must not be extravagant. A maximum value of £25 per head should be used as a guideline.

Alcohol must not be purchased out of the school budget.

Expense claims should be made to the business manager and receipts must always be enclosed.

The headteacher must be consulted about any proposal to provide gifts or hospitality with a value of over £25.

6. Unacceptable gifts and hospitality

The following must never be offered or accepted:

  • Monetary gifts (not including vouchers)
  • Gifts or hospitality offered to family members, partners or close friends of members, trustees or staff
  • Gifts or hospitality from a potential supplier or tenderer in the immediate period before tenders are invited or during the tendering process
  • Lavish or extravagant gifts or hospitality, even if they relate to activities the recipient undertakes in their own time.

7. Declining gifts and hospitality

Any members, trustee or staff member who is offered any of the unacceptable gifts or hospitality outlined in section 6 above should politely decline the offer.

If they feel it would not be appropriate for them to decline, they should refer the matter to the headteacher. The headteacher may decline the offer, or donate the gift or hospitality to a worthy cause, and must also record the offer on the gifts and hospitality register.

Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who fails to decline gifts or hospitality the trust has deemed unacceptable.

Failure to declare any gifts or hospitality offered on the gifts and hospitality register, in line with this policy, will be dealt with as a staff disciplinary matter.

8. Monitoring arrangements

The gifts and hospitality register is monitored regularly by the CFO and business manager.

This policy will be reviewed and approved annually by the Finance and Resources Committee.

9. Links with other policies

This gifts and hospitality policy is linked to the:

  • Staff code of conduct
  • Whistle Blowing
  • Staff disciplinary procedures
  • Pay policy


Appendix 1: gifts and hospitality register




Description of gift/hospitality and approximate value

Party offering gift/hospitality

Accepted /rejected

Approved by

























































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