Whistleblowing Policy
Countess Anne School
A Church of England Academy School Lane, Hatfield, AL10 8AX Tel: 01707 262840
R.C.No. 08658210
Chair of Governors: Mr Murray Gifkins
Head Teacher: Mr David Lodge
’I pray that you……may have the power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ’. (Ephesians 3:18)
Living God’s Love through…
- Ø Academic provision that recognises the need for excellence in teaching and
- Ø Holistic provision that encourages Christian hope; building spirit and soul through faith orientated pastoral
- Ø Inspirational provision through a modern curriculum that celebrates diversity and provides new
Policy name |
Whistleblowing |
Policy type |
Personnel |
Synopsis |
Policy covers:-
• encourage staff to feel confident in raising serious concerns;
• provide avenues for staff to raise concerns and receive feedback;
• allow staff to take the matter further if necessary
• reassure staff that they will be protected from possible reprisals. |
Maintained by |
Personnel and Staff Discipline Committee |
Adopted by Governing body |
Date for next review |
Adopted by the Governing body 21 January 2008 |
Spring 2023 |
Whistle Blowing Policy
1. Introduction:
- 1 Countess Anne School - a Church of England Academy, expects the highest standards of conduct from all employees, and will treat seriously any concern that an employee may have about illegal or improper conduct.
- 2 Employees will be expected, through agreed procedures and without fear of recrimination, to bring to the attention of Head Teacher any serious impropriety or breach of procedure.
- 3 This procedure has been introduced following consultation by Hertfordshire County Council with the trade unions and professional associations.
2. Purpose:
- 1 The procedure is designated to enable employees to notify the Head Teacher of any reasonable suspicion of illegal or improper conduct. The procedure requires all employees to act responsibly to uphold the reputation of the school and to help maintain public confidence.
- 2 It is a procedure in which the Head Teacher will be expected to act swiftly and constructively in the investigation of any concerns in accordance with the school’s disciplinary procedure.
2.3 Concern about a colleague’s professional capability should not be dealt with
using this procedure.
3. When should it be used?
- 1 School staff can, and should, use the school grievance policy if they have a problem with his/her own situation. This procedure is not designed to replace the grievance procedure
- 2 Employees who are worried about wrong doing at work do not necessarily have a personal grievance.
- 3 Employees must act in good faith and must have reasonable grounds for believing the information to be accurate.
- 4 No employee who uses this procedure in good faith will be penalised for doing so. The school will not tolerate harassment and/or victimisation of any employee raising concerns.
- 5 An employee who is not sure whether the conduct he/she is concerned about does constitute illegal or improper conduct or is unsure about how to proceed can contact any of the names listed at the end of this policy for advice.
- 6 Financial regulations require any employee who suspects fraud, corruption or other financial irregularity to ensure this is reported to the School’s Auditors for possible investigation. Normally you must first report any suspicion of such an irregularity to the Head Teacher, who will in turn report it to the Chief Internal Auditor. In most cases, this will be done through your line management structure.
4. Examples of illegal and/or improper conduct:
- Fraudulent or improper use of the school’s money or assets
- Abuse of students or of other employees
- Dangerous practices at work
- Corruptly receiving any gift or advantage
- Allowing private interests and those of the school to conflict.
5. Mechanism for raising concerns:
- 1 Where the issue concerns your Head Teacher or, having made your report, you believe he/she failed to take appropriate action, then you should bring it to the attention of the Chairman of Governors.
- 2 Employees who feel unable to follow this route have the option of contacting one of the names listed at the end of this policy.
- 3 Depending on the nature of the concern, the complainant will be asked to do this in writing. It will therefore be helpful to note down any facts and dates as they happen.
- 4 Employees who want to use this procedure but feel uneasy about it may wish to consult their trade union initially and bring a friend or trade union representative along to any discussions, so long as the third party is independent of the issue.
- 5 Where anonymity is requested efforts will be made to meet the request where appropriate but that might not always be possible. The earlier and more open the expression of concern the easier it will be to take appropriate action.
- 6 Each case will be investigated thoroughly with the aim of informing the complainant of the outcome of any investigation as quickly as possible.
6. What should be done if an issue is raised with a senior member of staff?
- 1 If a senior member of staff (other than the Head Teacher) is approached by a colleague on a matter of concern as defined in this document, he/she should be advised to take the matter to the Head Teacher David Lodge or in the absence of the Head Teacher, the Deputy Head Teacher, Emma Byrne.